Conforms to international environmental standards
Like Energy Star or Blue Angel Mark
Eco mode
Optimises the printer settings for lower energy, paper and toner consumption
Hibernate mode
Manual or scheduled hibernate settings ensure low energy consumption with less than 1 watt during off hours
High print resolution
for best output quality
Mobile Printing
Possibility to directly print documents from a mobile device
Print driver customisation
Quiet mode
Prevents noise disturbance due to reduced noise while printing
USB print
Direct print of print files stored on a connected USB stick
Network security
Support for SSL/TLS, HTTPS, 802.1x and IPsec
Secure print
Password entering is required at the printer before prints are released
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Usluga bizhub SECURE može se aktivirati na bilo kom višefunkcionalnom uređaju bizhub kompanije Konica Minolta, bilo u vašim prostorijama ili pre isporuke, pa bez obzira na veličinu poslovanja možete da radite pouzdano...
Bez obzira na to da li ste kancelarijsku rutinu nečim promenili ili joj nešto dodali – da biste obezbedili kontinuiranu produktivnost i efikasnost, potrebno je da obuhvatite sve izmene i da savladate nove tehnologije...
Pristup s prednje strane olakšava svakom korisniku da dopuni papir ili zameni kertridže sa tonerom bez muke; velike ručke olakšavaju hvatanje i rukovanje.Ergonomska ležišta...
Konica Minolta smanjuje neizbežne emisije CO2 proizvedene tokom kancelarijske i proizvodne štampe po pristupačnim cenama. Mi plaćamo proizvodnju i transport proizvoda, dok klijent pokriva troškove nadoknade za emisije...
These are the Key Features of the bizhub 4702P
Eco performance
Eco-friendly performance thanks to the integrated Eco Mode as well as programmable Hibernate Mode – both reduce energy consumption, thus saving costs
Colour LCD panel
Intuitive operation thanks to the 2.4-inch colour LCD display containing animations, a status screen, multi-select menus, custom messages and programmable alerts that guide users smoothly through any job setting
Paper management
Versatile paper input possibilities with a standard 250-sheet paper tray plus up to 3 additional paper cassettes for a maximum capacity of up to 2,000 sheets ensure completion of larger jobs without interruption. The simultaneous storing of different media additionally facilitates everyday work
Secure Print
To control unauthorised access to confidential prints, the secure print function holds print jobs until the intended recipient enters the appropriate PIN to allow the job being printed
Direct printing of files in different formats stored on a connected USB device saves time and makes printer operation more convenient
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