A flexible and networkable allrounder
U skorašnjim godinama, moderno poslovanje se transformisalo iz stacionarnog doživljaja u mnogo mobilniji. Zaposleni sada mogu da rade tokom putovanja, da organizuju poslovne sastanke izvan kancelarije – na primer, u sedištu...
Svaka organizacija ima svoje probleme. Bez obzira na to da li vodite međunarodnu korporaciju ili srednje preduzeće, verovatno imate poteškoća sa povećavanjem produktivnosti zaposlenih. Stalno održavanje produktivnosti na...
Infrastruktura za štampanje trebalo bi da odgovara specifičnim potrebama vaše kompanije, kao i da besprekorno podržava procese i radne procese. Naravno, najvažnije je da pouzdano radi.
Bez obzira na veličinu vaše kompanije, važno je da troškove držite pod kontrolom. Međutim, što je organizacija veća, manje je produktivno i više energije oduzima praćenje svakog pojedinačnog troška. Može čak da bude i...
Brzi razvoj onlajn tehnologije i sve složeniji zahtevi klijenata u roku od nekoliko godina su pretvorili pametne telefone i tablete u izuzetno fleksibilne, intuitivne uređaje sa nekada nezamislivom snagom.
Postoji mnoštvo razlika između malih preduzeća, srednjih kompanija i međunarodnih korporacija.
Card shot
Prints copies of the front and back of the original on the same page, e.g. for passport and other ID
Copy features
Duplex, 2in1 and 4in1 copying can be selected
Duplex copy
Saves resources and money
High-performance document feeder
Fast scanning of originals with duplex document feeder
High print resolution
For best output quality
Offers centrally working teams in companies every comfort for fast monochrome printing
Print features
Various print features like watermark, n-up, poster or booklet page order can be selected
Convenient scan distribution
Scan destinations can be preconfigured
High performance scanning
Improves productivity while digitisation of documents
Various scan models
Scan-to-eMail, Scan-to-SMB, Scan-to-FTP, TWAIN scan
Discover the key features of our new bizhub 225i
bizhub 225i offers the setup of up to 50 user accounts, providing the possibility to restrict the system access only to authorised users. This helps to keep printing costs in check
Feature Set
bizhub 225i provides what today's office work requires: Copy, print and colour scanning functionality are standard; an optional fax unit is also available
Paper capacity
Max. 1,350 sheets paper capacity in bypass tray and up to 5 cassettes. This needs less refilling of paper and makes available different paper types at the same time - increasing the productivity of the device and the user
Effective scanning in colour, optional reversing automatic document feeder, and a huge spectrum of scan modes. Perfectly designed for document capture and distribution workflows, e.g. in archiving. Increases the user's productivity
Thanks to its small footprint, bizhub 225i fits even into the smallest corner. Nevertheless, it is a real A3 device!