Simple, connected and safe. Discover the bizhub i-Series!
U svakoj kompaniji, zaposleni manipulišu velikim količinama informacija svaki dan – mnoge od kojih su poverljive. Dokumenti, lični podaci, adrese, budžeti, planovi, makete i bezbroj drugih resursa se štampa, kopira i skenira...
Šta je zajedničko za digitalnu transformaciju, veštačku inteligenciju, skladištenje u informatičkom oblaku i preuzimanje podataka, unapređenu mobilnost i izuzetno postojane mere sajber bezbednosti? Sve to ima veze sa...
U skorašnjim godinama, moderno poslovanje se transformisalo iz stacionarnog doživljaja u mnogo mobilniji. Zaposleni sada mogu da rade tokom putovanja, da organizuju poslovne sastanke izvan kancelarije – na primer, u sedištu...
Svaka organizacija ima svoje probleme. Bez obzira na to da li vodite međunarodnu korporaciju ili srednje preduzeće, verovatno imate poteškoća sa povećavanjem produktivnosti zaposlenih. Stalno održavanje produktivnosti na...
Infrastruktura za štampanje trebalo bi da odgovara specifičnim potrebama vaše kompanije, kao i da besprekorno podržava procese i radne procese. Naravno, najvažnije je da pouzdano radi.
Da li vaša kompanija želi da smanji troškove štampe i povezane troškove, da sprovede digitalizaciju na svim nivoima, poboljša efikasnost i da garantuje da zaposleni mogu da štampaju i kopiraju bez ograničenja – čak i ako...
Bez obzira na veličinu vaše kompanije, važno je da troškove držite pod kontrolom. Međutim, što je organizacija veća, manje je produktivno i više energije oduzima praćenje svakog pojedinačnog troška. Može čak da bude i...
Brzi razvoj onlajn tehnologije i sve složeniji zahtevi klijenata u roku od nekoliko godina su pretvorili pametne telefone i tablete u izuzetno fleksibilne, intuitivne uređaje sa nekada nezamislivom snagom.
Postoji mnoštvo razlika između malih preduzeća, srednjih kompanija i međunarodnih korporacija.
Auto deletion
Automatic deletion of files stored in a user box after a predefined period
Box function
Storing of print, copy, scan and fax jobs for recall to send and print - for frequently printed documents like brochures, forms, pricelists etc.
Online access
User box file access via web browser or box operator utility
Personal, Group and Public
User access definition for different boxes
Copying of documents from user box to user box
Blank page removal
Automatic deletion of blank pages e.g. when copying mixed simplex and duplex documents
New User Interface
Light, simple and modern UI is easy to use
Quick access to settings
With most used settings visible at first sight, select them with one click, drop down or pop up menu
Fax forwarding
Forwarding of incoming fax documents by email or to SMB folder instead of printing
Sending of fax messages via network between Konica Minolta MFPs; supports colour as well as black & white
Direct fax transmission from the PC
Shared address book
The MFP-internal address book can be shared with the PC fax client
Tray selection
Choice of input tray / print media and output tray for easy visibility of incoming faxes
Air packaging
With air cushions, the devices are better protected during transportation and the waste is drastically reduced.
Dynamic eco timer
Automatic analysis of working hours and adjustment of sleep mode timing
ECO meter
Counter for ECO related items e.g. power consumption
ECO print
Touch screen panel does not light up for printing out of sleep mode
ECO scan
Scanning of documents without warm-up of the print engine
Weekly timer
Sleep mode timer setting on day and date basis
Direct print
Driverless printing of PDF, XPS, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, JPEG, TIFF, PS and PCL
Mobile Printing
Possibility to directly print documents from a mobile device
Print driver customisation
Smart job queue
Unprintable jobs e.g. because of unavailable paper size (copy, print and fax) are bypassed by consecutive jobs
Universal Printer Driver
One driver to install, manage and maintain
Automatic deletion of blank pages e.g. when scanning mixed simplex and duplex documents
Scan annotation
Stamping of e.g. date/time, filing number or custom text on scans for archiving purposes
Scan preview
Provides a real-time preview of scanned originals for checking before sending
Scan programs
Pre-setting of original, scan file and destination for regular scan jobs
Scan to url
Reduce the load on the company network by sending a simple url to the recipient instead of a big file
Direct scan to own email address (Me) or SMB folder (Home) based on Active Directory information
Access rights
Function access rights can be granted on user level (up to 1,000 accounts on MFP)
User access by password, user name + password, ID card or finger vein scanner
bizhub SECURE services
Activate adequate security features on the MFP to make sure corporate data is safe
Data encryption
Encryption of data stored on hard disk and password protection for hard disk access
Embedded Anti-virus
Bitdefender anti-virus engine protects against viruses spreading inside and outside of an organisation (optional)
Temporary data deletion
Copy, print, scan and fax job data are automatically deleted after job completion
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet...
Usluga bizhub SECURE može se aktivirati na bilo kom višefunkcionalnom uređaju bizhub kompanije Konica Minolta, bilo u vašim prostorijama ili pre isporuke, pa bez obzira na veličinu poslovanja možete da radite pouzdano...
Bez obzira na to da li ste kancelarijsku rutinu nečim promenili ili joj nešto dodali – da biste obezbedili kontinuiranu produktivnost i efikasnost, potrebno je da obuhvatite sve izmene i da savladate nove tehnologije...
Pristup s prednje strane olakšava svakom korisniku da dopuni papir ili zameni kertridže sa tonerom bez muke; velike ručke olakšavaju hvatanje i rukovanje.Ergonomska ležišta...
Konica Minolta smanjuje neizbežne emisije CO2 proizvedene tokom kancelarijske i proizvodne štampe po pristupačnim cenama. Mi plaćamo proizvodnju i transport proizvoda, dok klijent pokriva troškove nadoknade za emisije...
Enjoy the bizhub i-Series with its 10.1-inch panel just like a tablet, the best user experience in the market, its number one security features with embedded Bitdefender® anti-virus scan engine (optional), remote services, Konica Minolta IT
Konica Minolta IT Services
Direct access from the MFP user interface home screen to the Konica Minolta MarketPlace to enjoy Cloud services, connectors, and much more.
Multi-touch panel
The 10.1 inch screen offers vibration feedback and a 90° tilt angle. Users can flick, scroll and enlarge just like a smartphone or tablet.
A full set of security features provided by bizhub SECURE services, including Bitdefender anti-virus engine, protects your organisation against malware infection.
Reduce environmental impact and save costs at the same time thanks to Konica Minolta's integrated state-of-the art technology for competitively low power consumption.
Versatile finishing
Versatile finishing options include stapling, punching, letterfolding of up to 3 sheets per letter and booklets of up to 20 sheets (80 pages) for improved office productivity and professional documents.
Štampajte bilo gde, bilo kada:
(1) If the maximum volume is reached within a period of one year, then a maintenance cycle must be performed (2) Warm up time may vary depending on the operating environment and usage