Reumatoidni artritis je hronična bolest upale zglobova koja može da dovede do oštećenja mekog tkiva i kostiju, kao i do invaliditeta. Rano dijagnostikovanje ključno je za optimizovanje uspeha terapije kod ovog stanja, naročito kod pacijenata sa faktorima rizika koji ukazuju na loš ishod, kao što su visoki nivoi aktivnosti bolesti, prisustvo auto-antitela i rana oštećenja zglobova. Oštećenja zglobova mogu da se dijagnostikuju pomoću našeg asortimana AeroDR rendgenskih sistema.
Jedan od metoda za merenje napredovanja bolesti predstavlja korišćenje Ocene aktivnosti bolesti (Disease Activity Score, DAS), koja je takođe poznata kao „DAS28 protokol“. Taj protokol sada je dostupan i za ultrazvuk: Konica Minolta je razvila radni proces za reumatoidni artritis (RA), jedinstvenu alatku koja je dostupna samo na našem Sonimage sistemu, a namenski je dizajnirana kao podrška radnom procesu reumatologa. Alatka zasnovana na DAS28 protokolu doprinosi vođenju reumatologa kroz proceduru provere i procene zglobova osoba koje pate od artritisa. Alatka korisnicima omogućava da toj grupi pacijenata pruže specijalizovanu negu.
The SONIMAGE® HS1 Compact Ultrasound System has advanced MSK functionality providing superior image detail and contrast resolution. The advanced technological features and high resolution image quality supports confident diagnosis, needle guidance for interventional procedures and treatment management at the point-of-care.
Explore the countless different ways in which Konica Minolta software products could improve your operations. Konica Minolta solves the problems of your company, matches different working styles, and offers software solutions meeting the needs of your industry. By prioritising your needs at all times, Konica Minolta meets the software requirements of even the most demanding global organisations. Using the system, you can keep a lid on the cost of any printed or copied output, create advanced security measures to ensure sensitive documents don’t fall into unauthorised hands, and more.
Our experienced, knowledgeable specialist staff will answer any questions you may have, and show you how to operate your product. Our services function for your benefit, within a support system designed to ensure you and your company benefit fully from the solutions. We offer a range of different services, including optimised print services to combine your consulting; hardware and software implementation; workflow management to lower your document spending; and smart security services, to keep your business safe.
The Sonimage system can be used in a variety of clinical environments. Because it is ultra-portable and easy to use, Sonimage is the perfect tool for rheumatologists carrying out their day-to-day examinations. The ultrasound tool features an intuitive user interface combining the benefits of touchscreen technology with a simplified console with a full-touch 15-inch screen.
The tool also uses just eight physical buttons, and an integrated trackball. Sonimage also offers unique added value in the form of its amazing musculoskeletal imaging, particularly useful for orthopaedists, rheumatologists and physicians in rehabilitation and physical therapy.
With the Simple Needle Visualisation (SNV) feature, the Sonimage HS1 can enhance the needle on the ultrasound image with both in-plane and out-of-plane approaches. The system also makes it possible to display 18 MHz of imaging, scaled down to 1 cm depth, providing a comfortable visualisation of details on-screen.
The Rheumatoid Arthritis Workflow guides physicians through a dedicated protocol for rheumatoid arthritis, providing a clear overview of the examined joints and making the diagnostic process as a whole more precise. Arthritis sufferers are far from the only users to benefit from such state-of-the-art technology, moreover: the Sonimage HS1 can also be used by cardiologists, who will find features such as the system’s TDI and CW modes very useful. The Auto IMT (intima-medial thickness) measurement feature allows advanced arterial health assessment.
3THI Triad Tissue Harmonic Imaging
Boots up from standby in under 15 seconds
High sensitivity and broadband transducers
Mobile solution on cart with up to three probe connectors
Portable solution with integrated battery
Rheumatoid Arthritis Workflow integrated into Sonimage HS1
Simple Needle Visualisation (SNV) technology
Strain Elastography imaging method
Konica Minolta develops cutting-edge technologies, providing you with the highest performance and reliable solutions. Give us a call today, and a dedicated expert from our Healthcare Division will help you create the system perfectly tailored to the needs of your medical practice.