Uspešna preduzeća u današnje vreme dosta se oslanjaju na efektivno upravljanje, kao i na mogućnost pravovremenog pronalaženja pouzdanih informacija. To uključuje jedan od osnovnih poslovnih procesa, a to je mogućnost obrade dolaznih faktura. Brzo i precizno.
Preduzeća često imaju problema u ovom segmentu, konkretno zato što se i dalje oslanjaju na papirne, ručne i ponavljajuće zadatke. A rezultat?
Dosadan posao, spora obrada dokumenata i faktura, uzalud potrošeno vreme i odeljenje za naplatu koje pravi više grešaka i netačnih izveštaja usled netačnih cifara. Čak i ako kompanije dobijaju više digitalnih faktura, one se svakako štampaju i zavode kao papirne kopije, što skoro uvek vodi neefikasnom manipulisanju papirnim materijalom. Razumete da to nije način funkcionisanja odeljenja za naplatu ako želite da vidite prave rezultate, zar ne?
Za sve početnike u upravljanju, hajde da pogledamo brojeve na trenutak radi sticanja dodatnog uvida. Istraživanje kompanije AIIM pokazuje da je u proseku potrebno skoro 9 dana da se obradi faktura, uz troškove od preko 8 EUR po fakturi.
With digital invoice management by Konica Minolta, you can capture all incoming invoices, ensuring they are all mapped correctly in your system. All relevant invoice details, such as consignment, invoice numbers, etc., are automatically processed, checked, and captured using text recognition and intelligent algorithms. This means all your invoices are safely stored, and can always be accessed from the convenience of your workstation. In addition to this, all those captured invoices are instantly forwarded to the departments in charge. Sound helpful?
Konica Minolta invoice processing solutions offer stress-free integration into existing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. In the end, it’s all about reducing manual handling of invoices, avoiding errors, decreasing the time needed to processes invoices, and cutting the cost of invoice processing itself.
Want the ultimate in digital print production performance? You just found it. Konica Minolta’s Production Printing and Office hardware are industry benchmarks, with devices offering revolutionary colour image quality, ultra-high-speed black-and-white output, pro-quality inline finishing options to meet your complex job specifications, and more. Regardless of the size or area of specialisation of your company, our print hardware lets you build up your printing infrastructure, manage digital content, put in place state-of-the-art measuring instruments, and explore other solutions designed to change your workflow beyond recognition.
Explore the countless different ways in which Konica Minolta software products could improve your operations. Konica Minolta solves the problems of your company, matches different working styles, and offers software solutions meeting the needs of your industry. By prioritising your needs at all times, Konica Minolta meets the software requirements of even the most demanding global organisations. Using the system, you can keep a lid on the cost of any printed or copied output, create advanced security measures to ensure sensitive documents don’t fall into unauthorised hands, and more.
Our experienced, knowledgeable specialist staff will answer any questions you may have, and show you how to operate your product. Our services function for your benefit, within a support system designed to ensure you and your company benefit fully from the solutions. We offer a range of different services, including optimised print services to combine your consulting; hardware and software implementation; workflow management to lower your document spending; and smart security services, to keep your business safe.
With so many capturing and document management solutions developed by Konica Minolta, any organisation can now harness the power of Accounts Payable invoice processing automation. Most importantly, solutions for invoice processing reduce errors and ensure transparency, eliminating operational bottlenecks – while also staying compliant.
No matter how invoices arrive at your organisation, whether in paper form or as e-mail attachments, an AP automation solution captures, organises and delivers those invoices, using comprehensive workflow and routing options, to the right people – fast.
Automated workflows that streamline time-consuming manual tasks.
Instant access to invoices awaiting processes. No more lengthy internal searches for invoices in paper form – so you can access your invoices anytime, anywhere.
Mobile technology that allows invoice authorisation on the go, so invoices can be authorised by the relevant people wherever they are.
Real-time invoice validation to detect errors faster, resolve issues and improve relationships with vendors and suppliers.
Structured digital capturing of all incoming invoices.