Priprema za štampu u digitalnom okruženju

Bez obzira na to da li vodite sopstvenu štampariju ili ste menadžer internog odeljenja za štampu, kao dobavljač usluga štampe sigurno ste potpuno svesni toga da vam samo inteligentna konfiguracija za štampu i napredna faza pripreme za štampu omogućavaju da proizvodite i isporučujete besprekorne štampane proizvode uz kratke rokove.

Pripremljeno: podesite štamparsku presu za budućnost

Profesionalne pripremljene mogućnosti čine osnovu dobro osmišljene konfiguracije za štampu. Pripremljene opcije vam omogućavaju da fleksibilno reagujete na promene u poslednjem trenutku koje klijenti prilično često prave, da povećate efikasnost i da optimizujete usluge.

Ogromne su tehničke prednosti korišćenja pripremljenog softvera za štampu kako biste mogli da se oslonite na dobro podešenu štamparsku presu. Posao pripreme za štampu koji prethodi proizvodnji – od podešavanja štamparske prese do dobijanja konačne potvrde od klijenta – može da bude dosadan i da nepotrebno oduzima vreme.

Profesionalni pripremljeni softver omogućava unošenje izmena u postavke zadatka štampe nekoliko trenutaka pre slanja zadatka u proizvodnju. Uz pravu pripremljenu aplikaciju, umetanje listova sa jezičcima, brisanje stranica ili dodavanje složenih detalja obrade zadatka, kao što je završna obrada pravljenja brošure, raspoređivanje, razdvajanje stranica u boji ili postavljanje oznaka za isecanje, kombinovanje različitih tipova dokumenata, kreiranje rasporeda itd, ne predstavlja problem. Zahvaljujući pregledu u realnom vremenu, odmah možete da vidite sve izmene unete u zadatak.

Time štedite dragoceno vreme zato što više nema potrebe za probnim otiscima, uz mogućnost profesionalne obrade promena u poslednjem trenutku koje klijenti prilično često prave u porudžbinama – u vezi sa veličinom stranice ili brojem stranica, postavkama završne obrade , kao što su brošura, povezivanje, spajanje i sl. – dok krajnji klijenti dobijaju prednost konkurentnijih cena koje možete da ponudite.



So what exactly is a “make-ready” printing software, and how can it benefit your company?

Professional make-ready capabilities enhance your efficiency, and let you react flexibly to any last-minute changes customers may request. They help you and your staff streamline your print preparation, so you no longer need to waste time on the recurring tasks required to set up print jobs, can set up your print production efficiently, and cut costs by splitting jobs into colour and black-and-white.

hardware icon
Efficiency and flexibility with high-speed colour production printers

AccurioPress. With their lightning-fast speeds, simple operation and powerful in-line finishing, our high-speed digital presses raise the bar in digital productivity by saving time and labour costs (as well as space on your production floor).

software icon
Give your print room the flexibility it really needs

Optimised for use in CRDs and the in-house print shops of public organisations, universities and corporations, AccurioPro Flux Essential provides the functionality needed to minimise your costs and maximise your return on investment. Powerful make-ready functionality is included for professional job editing. Late job editing enhances the flexibility of the print room, while impositioning simplifies and speeds up the lengthy task of arranging several pages on a single sheet.

service icon
Always at your Service

Our experienced, knowledgeable specialist staff will answer any questions you may have, and show you how to operate your product. Our services function for your benefit, within a support system designed to ensure you and your company benefit fully from the solutions. We offer a range of different services, including optimised print services to combine your consulting; hardware and software implementation; workflow management to lower your document spending; and smart security services, to keep your business safe.

Discover what Make-Ready print software can do for you

With professional make-ready print software, you will enhance your overall flexibility, efficiency and competitiveness. Imposition templates free up manpower, so your staff won’t have to enter similar or the same settings repeatedly for every new job, while the colour-split functionality boosts production speeds and ensures cost-effective production of mixed colour and black-and-white jobs.

Professional make-ready print software capabilities are essential to you, as they let you react flexibly to the last-minute changes your customers frequently request. Such capabilities enhance your efficiency and help you optimise your services, while late job-editing options also allow last-minute changes to be input into print jobs quickly and easily, so you are always reacting more flexibly to customer requests. You’ll be sure to find a make-ready software application perfectly suited to your purposes in Konica Minolta’s extensive application portfolio! 

The benefits your company will experience from using this software include…



Ikona funkcije štampanja

No problem to insert tab sheets, delete pages or add complex job processing details like booklet finishing, imposition, colour splitting or crop marks just before printing.

Ikona funkcije produktivnosti

Software lets you organise your print production in the most efficient, least costly way, always using best-suited output device for the production of each job. Splitting jobs into separate colour and black-and-white prints is often the most cost-effective approach.

Ikona funkcije produktivnosti

Enhance your overall flexibility, efficiency and competitiveness.

Mobility feature icon

Professional software applications let you accommodate requests for late changes from your customers. That way, you react with the highest flexibility and are able to meet even the tightest delivery deadlines.

Ikona funkcije tehnologije

Thanks to the real-time preview, you immediately see any changes made to the job. This saves you valuable time because you no longer have to produce sample prints.

Ikona funkcije upotrebljivosti

Imposition templates free up staff from entering the same or similar settings repeatedly for every new job.

Ikona funkcije brzine

You’ll no longer have to waste time on print preparation, those repetitive set-up tasks that print jobs of a similar nature so often require. Doing this work manually is time-consuming, inconvenient and generates unnecessary costs, as it requires more staff.

oblikovanje štampanog materijala.

Prokom je Konica Minolta Korisnička Zajednica gde možete pronaći istraživanje tržišta, informacije i praktične alate, koji će Vam pomoći da postanete bolje informisaniji, produktivniji i na kraju profitabilniji. Mi u Prokomu smatramo da se ne radi samo o onome što ste napravili, već o tome šta omogućavate

Pridružite se Prokomu

Visoka produktivnost koja će poboljšati profitabilnost štampanja

Da li mislite da bi sistem spreman za Vašu kompaniju bio ispravan? Da biste razgovarali o tome kako naša udružena softverska i hardverska rešenja mogu zadovoljiti Vaše potrebe, obratite se jednom od naših stručnjaka.